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Texting on Mobile Phone

DepositNow Mobile Banking

Already have mobile banking?

Want to add mobile deposit to your mobile app?


Users with iPhone or Android devices simply download the application.

Then, log in using two-factor authentication to initiate a secure session, this done once upon initial deposit.


Take a picture of the front of the check.


Then snap a pic of the back of the check and DONE!

Allow customers to deposit 24/7
with their smart device.


Auto Capture

Flash Function

Mobile Merchant

Loan Payments

CFS Mobile Capture now allows financial institution's clients to make loan payments from their mobile device without stepping foot inside.

How It Works

The growing trend of rMDC products has taken banking to the future. CFS Mobile Capture offers an easy-to-use, accurate two-factor secure product. It allows consumers and business clients to make deposits using their smartphone or tablet. The smartphone or tablet becomes a scanning device. The consumer will initiate a session with their financial institution, then, by following the onscreen directions, snap photos of the fronts and backs of the check the user is depositing. No trip to a branch or ATM required. Residing client-side on the phone or tablet CFS's Mobile Capture has a unique differentiator that is being able to fully process a check without a server connection which creates an intelligent handset and allows for Mobile to offer a turnkey, Check21 compliant solution that is quick and easy to use, scalable, and reduces operating costs for financial institutions.

"Speedier check processing reduces the open liability of uncashed checks in the payment system, making RDC a “great thing” for the economy and the banking system as a whole."“As RDC moves into the business space, it will have an even bigger impact over time.”

Brian Egan, Senior Vice President

at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Our API can interface into any existing mobile banking application. 

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